Pillars Survey on Emerging Automation Technologies, Industries, Tasks and Skills
We are delighted to invite you to join the largest international consultation on the future of automation, work and skills.
In this survey we collect views from thousands of technology specialists, managers, scientists and experts from civil society and policy across industries and regions. Participants have a unique opportunity to share and discuss their views on automation technologies that they expect to become widely adopted by 2030, which work activities they will perform and which skills they will demand.
Participate to help us improve this understanding. Together we can generate evidence to inform decision-makers that need to make investment decisions or develop policies on future skills. The results from this survey will be discussed with policymakers at various levels, business leaders and leading forums on automation.
This is not just a survey: get early insights by joining the platform
- Become part of the largest online debate on the future of automation technologies and the future of labor ever conducted.
- Gain early insights into the future of automation from other experts across regions, industries and firms.
- Compare your view with the views of other experts and discuss through comments. We made this survey flexible and fun
In the survey you can gain “expert points”. Only some questions are mandatory. But: the more technologies, tasks and industries you explore, the more points you will earn, and the more your views will figure. At any time you can (anonymously) compare your score with the scores of other experts.
Revisit survey results and how they compare to your answers at any time, before July, 31 2023
Start the survey when it suits you and come back to further contribute to the discussion whenever you like. You can see what other experts have responded to, revise your answers, assess more technologies or industries and gain more expert points to get one step closer to the top in your industry by the 16th of July.