Stelian Brad is a full professor in intelligent robotics and innovation engineering and management at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca and was involved in several projects related to future skills and future of work, gaining relevant experience, expertise, and wisdom about human pathways for continuous education in specific contexts. As president of Cluj IT Cluster and coordinator of Digital Innovation Hub for Society, he had the opportunity to interact with companies and understand their challenges to have adequate human capital profiles and skills. In his position as president of the European Association for Structured Innovation (ETRIA), he shared a lot of experience in bringing creativity and innovation in educational programs, as well as the new forms of developing entrepreneurial skills. Currently Stelian is involved in research and innovation projects on cybersecurity, blockchain, AI for robotics, AMRs, social robotics, smart city, and industry 4.0, as well as on polycentric innovation for disruptive technologies.
As a member of the Expert Stakeholder Group in PILLARS, Stelian Brad will bring his expertise to enhance the perspective and nuances of new forms of formal and informal education, with a focus on experiential education, and certified study programs at work. He also aims to contribute with niche expertise in forecasting future labour skills and designing profiles for future jobs.