Deputy Director in Municipal Unemployment Office (Poland)
Marek has been in public employment services (PES) for more than 10 years. His previous work experience in many private companies helped him to understand the interdependencies in local labor markets. As Human Resources Director in a company running a chain of large-format stores throughout Poland, he led and supervised the recruitment processes of employees at various levels, introduced a uniform remuneration system, etc. Recent professional experience gave him a good understanding of the processes taking place on local labor markets and the role of lifelong career guidance. Actively participated (as Kielce City representative) in the work of Jobs and Skills in the Local Economy partnership - one of sixteen partnership established under the UE Urban Agenda.
As a member of the Expert Stakeholders Group in PILLARS he intends to support activities aimed at assessing the directions of development of the demand for skills and competencies in the future as well as supporting employees and jobseekers in understanding and finding themselves in the new reality after graduating. This also includes supporting methods of maintaining professional activity through occupation changes or re-training.