Jolanta Uzulina is a Coordinator of International Projects of the Office for Investments and Foreign Affairs of the Development Department at Daugavpils City Municipality. She has extensive experience for more than 10 years and has provided international expert presentations on current responsibilities of municipal issues.
Her projects span from Europe for Citizens program – development of European citizenship, worked on digital strategies for immigrant integration and democratic engagement. She also worked on URBACT III – preservation, attraction and development of the creative potential of the inhabitants, creative business development measures. Whithin ERASMUS+ she worked on VET measures for inclusive employers and recruitment of potential; as well as other issues within Urban Agenda.Previously, Jolanta was regional remigration coordinator dealing with remigration activities.
As a member of the Expert Stakeholder Group in PILLARS she aims to share the knowledge and experience in the fields of training, skill adaptation and innovation; with a keen craving for new knowledge. She is inquisitive to learn from experts all over the world and transfer this knowledge to her city and country. Jolanta has a strong belief in the need to invest in people training in all spheres.