What's special about Pillars and what are the key research results?


Our researchers were asked what Pillars means to them: 
Their answers

Interview with Tommaso Ciarli (Pillars and UNU-MERIT):
Exposure of Industries and Occupations to Emerging Automation Technologies. Implications for the Future of Work

Interview with Maria Savona (Pillars and University of Sussex):
Emerging Digital Automation Technologies and the Future of Work. A Reappraisal

Interview with Oliver Falck (Pillars and ifo Institute):
Training and Automation Risk

Interview with Simon Wiederhold (Pillars and IWH Halle):
Skills of Early-Career Workers: Measurement and Labour-Market Returns

Interview with Sandra McNally (Pillars Scientific Advisory Board, University of Surrey):
Training and Reskilling in the Labour Market


Interviews Final Conference