Wird uns das Homeoffice erhalten bleiben? Ein Blick in 35 Millionen Stellenanzeigen
Jean-Victor Alipour, Christina Langer, Layla O’Kane
ifo Schnelldienst 74 (09), 46-52
- We analyze the prevalence of working from home (WfH) in Germany using more than 35 million online job advertisements from 2014 to 2021
- While the option to work from home was rare in job advertisements before the coronavirus crisis, the shock of the pandemic led to a boom
- At the same time, regional, occupational, and sectoral inequalities in access to WfH have decreased during the pandemic
- We also document a higher demand for digital skills, teamwork, and adaptability in job ads with a WfH option
- We conclude with an outlook for the future of WfH.