PILLARS Conference on Education, Skills, and Worker Retraining

1st PILLARS Conference on Education, Skills, and Worker Retraining was jointly organized by the ifo Institute, Munich and the Catholic University Eichstaett and supported by CESifo.
The conference brings together researchers from a broad range of economic fields to discuss ongoing research on the future of work. Accepted papers investigate skill requirements in the digital age, the impact of automation and digitization on employment, the transferability of skills after technology-induced displacement, and the relevance of (re-)training and on-the-job learning for skill development on the modern labor market. The papers propose novel ways of measuring skills using unique data from online job vacancies, apprenticeship plans, and worker task surveys. The conference will inform policy-makers how to design education and training policies to help workers to adapt to changing work environments and skill requirements.
Keynote lectures at the conference are delivered by Eric A. Hanushek (Stanford University) and Sandra McNally (University of Surrey).
For a summary of the conference, the keynote speeches and some of the innovative research papers see here.
Click here for a video about the conference and the innovative data and research presented.